Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The supermarket diet

Make a few blissfully simple changes to your diet and the pounds should soon drop off.

You don’t have to shell out on diet plans or spend hours creating special while your trying to lose weight. Simply make a few changes to what you put in your trolley. Healthy eating begins at the supermarket. Wrong decisions can lead to weight gain and bad habits.

Here are six tips for getting it right-

1-      Buy healthy frozen foods such as fruit, veg and fish. They’re often cheaper than the fresh versions and full of vitamins.

2-      Shop the perimeter aisles first. This is where the fresh foods are and these should make up the bulk of your groceries. Aim to incorporate fresh vegetables and/or fruit into all your meals. Approach the central aisles with caution at the end – just dip in to buy the staple foods you need.

3-      Buying prepared foods is okay but choose the healthiest options and eat them with veg and fruit. Try pre-cooked salmon and a bag of salad for lunch and ready-prepared vegetables and a ready meal for dinner. Look for ones containing quinoa, fish or tofu.

4-      Don’t shop when you’re hungry, and always take a list. This will stop you buying- then eating- fattening extras. If you regularly battle to stick a list then try online shopping.

5-      Go grainy, go nuts! Avoid refined carbs such as white bread and pasta and buy more filling unrefined foods such as brown rice and oats. Research shows people who eat a small handful of nuts a day feel fuller for longer.

6-      Pack lean protein into your trolley. Choose lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish and eggs.

The chuck-it-in-your-trolley plan

If you keep to around 1300 calories a day and you could lose a healthy one to two pounds a week.  Dietitian and nutritional consultant Vanessa Hattersley shows how easy it is. You can even add a small 100 calorie treat each day, such as a two-finger KitKat or a bag of Quavers.

Day 1

Breakfast- Instant porridge with semi-skimmed milk. Add berries or dried fruit

Snack – 1 piece of fruit

Lunch- A sushi variety pack

Snack- A mini pot of humous with vegetable crudités

Dinner- 1 small quiche or a third of a large one, with a small jacket potato and a bagged salad

Day 2

Breakfast- A third of a ready-made Spanish Omelette. Eat it cold or heat it in the microwave.

Snack- 1 piece of fruit

Lunch- A red Thai chicken curry

Snack- 2 crackers with a thin spread of cream cheese and slices of tomato

Dinner- A stir-fry vegetable pack with rice noodles, prawns and ready-made super market Chinese sauce.

Day 3

Breakfast- 45g muesli and 150g pot of natural yoghurt, topped with slice banana

Snack- 1 piece of fruit

Lunch- Fresh ready-made soup such as lentil and tomato, with a wholemeal bagel

Snack- A handful of dried fruit and nut mix

Dinner- Quorn cottage pie with ready-prepared vegetables

Do you stack your trolley full of unnecessary foods whilst doing the weekly shop?
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